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My bunny is pulling off her fur, is this somewhat normal?

My bunny is pulling off her fur, is this somewhat normal?

by poshbritishaccent


  1. Imaginary_Order_6611

    Maybe dermatitis? Rabbits will pull their fur if their skin is irritated by flea, mite or tick infestation. Is your bunny eating mostly hay or grass? It should.

  2. Usagi_Shinobi

    Hard to tell, but is the fur primarily coming from the dewlap? If so, it could be a false pregnancy (or a real one, if your bun is a girl and had about fifteen seconds of opportunity). If it’s coming from all over, and there’s no sign of mites or fleas or similar irritant, it could just be because it’s spring moulting season.

  3. political_bot

    Female rabbits will yank fur out of their necks to make nests. It’s pretty normal. Looks like your bun has a lil dewlap (A fold of loose skin on the neck). Or I might be misinterpreting the picture. My lady bun has a much bigger dewlap, and a little house full of her own fur and hay. She’s spayed, but still makes nests.

  4. sciencenerd2020

    Has she been spayed? If not – I see she’s outside. Did she mate with a wild rabbit perhaps? If she’s spayed and doing this it might be good to call your vet. Buns are prone to a whole slew of skin conditions that could lead to this.

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