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I was taking photos of Spoon’s butt, but then she realized and looked and me with judgment…

I was taking photos of Spoon’s butt, but then she realized and looked and me with judgment…

by deltadelta199


  1. genshalene

    You can’t be taking these kinds of photos without consent

  2. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Muther, Why do you have to take pictures of my butt, and post it to that Hooman website? I get it, I am chunky, but that is the role of the baker, it is hard to lose weight and taste all these delicious treats that I make.

  3. RogueViator




    Welcome to this news report,

    On this Thursday afternoon.

    Müther beat us to the post

    But at least we got here soon.


    Today we show a photo

    Of Queen Spoomf’s glorious rear,

    That so traumatized Doctor Bigwig

    During his exam we fear.


    Müther tried to hide taking it,

    From Queen Spoomf’s steely gaze,

    But she was patently unsuccessful,

    Earning Queen Spoomf’s judgment face.


    So now we are at an impasse.

    Müther’s plan is in full defeat.

    All she can do to salvage this,

    Is to offer copious treats.


    So that concludes this update.

    Tune in later for more to see.

    A movie about a Shakespearean insect,

    In “To Bee Or Not To Bee”.


    This has been a BNN News Update.

  4. KingOfPie98

    “Y’all got any games on your phone?”

  5. Kalyst_Corbulo

    Calling u/damiana8 this a heccin R00DL3WD

  6. Eastern-Dig4765

    Oh come on, Sppon. Bunny booty is the cutest. 😄

  7. klausvonespy

    20 years of rescue bunnies and 90% of my pictures of them are a variation of picture number 2.

  8. Impressive_Towel9213

    She’s so indignant her whiskers are curled up!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)

  9. diabolicalZ_

    The next photo was such a jumpscare 😭🙏🏾 I did not expect her to be eye-balling me with such disappointment

  10. bunkdiggidy

    “Forget about Porridge, here’s the *C A K E*”

  11. ChildrenotheWatchers

    I just love these little ones you have! ❤️ So much personality!

  12. OblivionsPrologue

    That face def says “ WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE “

  13. Valaryn1641

    I’m not sure what’s cuter, those buns or those curly rexy whiskers.

  14. Specialist_Minute919

    Random question, but what is Spoon’s job? Porridge is Mayor, Cub is Sheriff, Bigwig is a doctor… what job does Spoon have?

  15. NightSkulker

    “I’m calling the police!” -Spoon

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