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Rosie goes in to be neutered on Friday… I need reassurance!!

Rosie goes in to be neutered on Friday… I need reassurance!!

by Elsalan


  1. Elsalan

    My baby boy isn’t such a baby anymore, and is going in to be neutered on Friday! I see so many horror stories on Reddit about anaesthesia and I’m really freaking out.

    He’s free roam (has been his whole life) and I only set up this little area as a post-neuter quarantine zone. It’s got an open section at the moment for him to get used to it before the big day.

    Can someone please reassure me that my little guy will be okay? Any good stories to share about your neuterings? Also, if there are any suggestions for things I can do to better prepare please let me know!

  2. Redschallenge

    Good luck, I didn’t fix my two girls. Sometimes I wish I had

  3. Standard-Push-2585

    We did neutered our bunny.
    Everything was fine.
    Little loopy after anesthesia once woke up,day or two after surgery they are usually less active than before.
    Try not to listen horrific stories.
    Wishing you and your baby best.
    Please,keep us updated.

  4. Alliehoo

    Stay positive and trust your vet. I know some vets don’t resuscitate buns under anesthesia, so you’ll want to confirm they will. Make sure they send you home with post op pain meds and be prepared for gi stasis to occur(not that it necessarily will, but make sure you’ve got critical care and gas meds just in case). Limit his exercise and play…they act like they’re fine, but they don’t know how to chill. All in all, the snip is an easier surgery and recovery than a spade. I’m sending love and light to you and your bun on Friday ❤️

  5. refasullo

    You don’t hear the non horror stories on the internet, because neutering surgeries going well are the routine and the overwhelming majority. Despite having risks, it’s the best decision for your boy.

  6. Squishytoemittens

    I have a male and female that both got fixed on the same day they were fine just know litterbox should be lower to the floor as well as vacumming and cleaning room before they get back fill both bowls up with some pellets to monitor eatting and pooping and most importantly make sure they take their meds i had an easy time giving them to my male but unfortunately i had to restrain my female because she is a savage and cant sit still

  7. Mysepulver

    I too made my little guy go through it in January, he’s 4 years old and I was panicking. It went extremely well, he started eating straight away after the surgery and recovered well.

    Just make sure they don’t lick their wounds after the surgery, but it was fully closed 4-5 days later.

    Keep calm and be there for your rabbit, I’m 100% sure this will go smoothly, I got reassurance that it would go smoothly for us too and it did!

  8. noel_stella

    You know, I was scared too. And the worst part is that there’s not even one exotic vet in a radius of 100 km. But I chose my mum’s cat’s vet, I trust her because she’s honest and if she doesn’t know how to do something she just tells me. We talked about consequences, she neutered buns before. With the anaesthesia, it’s the same as with humans. Some of them could react in a different way. But you are more likely to read horror stories on the internet than happy stories. My bun didn’t even feel bad after neutering. I gave him painkiller shots for 3 days (I could opt for vet giving him them, but I live 40 km away, so I would need to drive everyday and I didn’t wanted to stress him, so I just gave him treat, quickly gave him injection and I don’t think he even realised that), put antiseptic spray on his wound and tbh after two weeks you couldn’t even see where his wound was. And the day we came back he went on my bed (mattress on the floor, so he didn’t jump), fallen asleep, woke up, ate for like an hour straight, went to sleep again and next day he was like nothing happened. I didn’t keep him confined to one place, I just told him not to jump and sat on the floor with him. After 4 years I don’t regret it one bit.

  9. dharmasmiles

    My boy just got back from his neutering, and while he’s pouty, he’s perfectly fine and even did breakfast binkies! I’m sure your boy will be an absolute champ (and will forgive you soon lol) Good luck to both of you ❤️

  10. maryhoppins19

    I have had 4 rabbits neutered/spayed and they all recovered swiftly! I didn’t see anyone make this point, but there are plenty of people out there that do NOT get their rabbits fixed and that has led to bigger problems for them. So, just know, you are doing the best thing for your bun by getting them fixed. They will live longer and happier because of it!! Best of luck!

  11. ResourceFabulous865

    When did you clone my bunny? Mines looks almost identical to yours !

  12. Vweewoo

    My bunny did amazing when I got her spayed! My vet reassured me it was with a savvy rabbit vet and kept me updated on her condition after waking up. When you drop him off ask for them to give you updated throughout the day! like when he’s going under waking up if he’s eating and such, I work at a clinic that has a texting service and clients love it when their babies are in clinic for surgeries

  13. GorgeousMetal

    Unless Rosie lives with a rabbit of the opposite sex there is no need, is there?

  14. Elsalan

    He’s okay!! On the way home from the vet now. He’s very drowsy. 🙂

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