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Deep asleep

Deep asleep

by Jellypow


  1. _darknetgirl95_

    I would be freaking TF out if I found my bunbun like this 😵 that would scare the bejezus out of me lol

  2. Mock_Womble

    Rabbits: I will literally die from a sudden loud noise

    Also rabbits: Let me see how far I can hyperextend every vertebra I own, while simultaneously going into a coma somewhere where I could fall and land on my head

    ALSO rabbits: This’ll scare the CRAP out of them when they see me

  3. Pugkin5405

    People who refuse to let an arm hang out from the covers: Impossible! Incredible, amazing!

    This bunneh: Zzzzzzzz *banana* zzzzzzzz

  4. maybetomorrow98

    I bet her neck hurt like hell when she woke up 😆

  5. CoralSpringsDHead

    This sub was made exactly for this photo!

  6. maryhoppins19

    One of the best ones I’ve seen!!

  7. North_Manager_8220

    Lmao why are they like this?!? 🥹🥹🤣

  8. Signal_Soup_8958

    Absolutely zonked fella if I’ve ever seen one

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