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I’m not even being dramatic when I say I’d die for him

I’m not even being dramatic when I say I’d die for him

by tinycat6969


  1. HeatherJMD

    I would too, look at this cutie!! 😍 Rexie buns are my favorite

  2. Confident_Bobcat_12

    Ugh not to be dramatic I would die for him too.
    (That’s supposed to be funny and not mocking) he is adorable and beautiful and perfect and so fuzzy. That sweet little mouf and confused stare. Ugh. 5 stars.

  3. determineddilettante


  4. SamuraiSkyeCat

    I hope your rabbit feels the same way about you.

    One day, I had let my rabbit out to run around. I hurt myself pretty badly, let out a yell, and fell to the floor. My little fur baby looked at me, turned, and hopped away. I felt so betrayed! LOL 😆

  5. BaphometMaiden666

    These bunnies always remind me of Reindeers 🦌 a rabbit version, I know he’s a Tan Rex or something, but so beautiful, I’d definitely die for my baby too 🥰😘🐰

  6. Alexander_McKay

    I wish I could get a bunny to bond like this with me. Mine just had babies and one of them is really receptive and loving towards humans. It’s the one I’m choosing to keep along with the mom of course. Hoping it turns out to be my next best animal friend. I miss my cat Big Meli so much. He was so precious. Would cuddle up with my son and protect him at night. They would play hide and seek together which was amazing to watch haha. Losing him hit hard like losing a family member.

  7. Groundhog_Gary28

    That’s a crazy thing to say.

    I would also die immediately for him does that mean I’m crazy too ?

  8. Flimsy-Canary-7651

    He’s beautiful 😍 look at those eyes

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