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Baby Bunny Baby Rabbit

Baby Birds Eaten By Snake RIP


  1. For the people who say “Don’t interfere with nature”, I was fixing a cabin, replacing wood and painting. The snake was in the way and it tried to bite me. It had to go, I don’t get paid enough to get bit by snakes lol 🐍
    Edit: people are mad I dropped the snake, I’m not terrified of snakes, but I’m no snake expert and I don’t know how to properly handle them. I’m not taking the risk when I’m 10 feet off the ground on a ladder.

  2. Oh ya when I was at school in the morning when I went over with my friends I was following them and then I saw a dead bird it was a pigen but I saw another bird eating the pigen

  3. I’m sorry I have a bad sense on humor but the way when they hear a noise they put their mouths in the air ready for food💀💀💀 I might be a baby bird😂

  4. The thing that people fail to understand is that this happens everyday and is completely natural. People also need to understand that the snake needs food and can't settlr for something else. It's not like he can just ask for food. The baby's are all he's able to eat.

  5. the snake need foods to survive the snake know it a wrong choice but the snake has no other choices to eat the baby bird to continute to live the snake said in mind "im sorry little bird but i have to do this i was hungry i have no food to eat so i have to eat you to live"

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