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Back to the office and Bunny’s mood has changed.

I have been back to the office a couple times a week and have noticed my bun (1 y/o & neutered) becoming more moody and destructive-chewing into the middle of base boards (instead of corners) and he just ripped out some carpet today when I let him free roam my room for about an hour. It’s been getting pretty bad and am concerned at what the kind of fees I will face whenever I move out. I bought him a new tunnel, wooden blocks to chew, some apple biscuit snacks and a new Timothy Hay block to chew into. He also owns a cat scratcher tunnel. What can I do to Lessen the destruction? He is completely free roam and I even removed his play own a week ago. Feels like I have a non neutered baby rabbit all of a sudden.

by Particular_Middle148


  1. hannahbanana9898

    My spayed female rabbit does the exact same thing. She has completely shredded the carpet in the spare bedroom and some corners in my living room. I wrapped a gate around the room my bunnies are kept in and put a heavy rug down that they can’t lift. That seems to keep her away from shredding the carpet. However, unfortunately i am convinced that this a behavior that can’t be stopped. She’s done it for two years I’ve just had to really bunny proof stuff

  2. Dependent_Solid7978

    I heard that if you buy a cat scratch board and put it where your bun likes to dig in the carpet it will sort of redirect the behavior. Hope this helps

  3. NectarineQueen13

    I was also thinking of getting mine a scratch pad. He’s about 1 now and going through his teen phase ..

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