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These okay for bunnies?

My mum picked these up at Walmart today, are these okay for buns? I know it is made for bunnies but Ik they list unhealthy stuff as healthy.

by Shortkingsforlife


  1. Dependent_Solid7978

    I got those for our bunny when we first got him and he really did love them. I didn’t read the ingredients in them but it sort or seemed like(at least he acted this way, dramatic bun that he is…)these are to buns what catnip is to cats. If that makes sense. I haven’t bought them in a while because of this. I mainly stick to natural treats(bananas, mango, and cherries are all the rage at the moment.)now after really researching and learning about our buns likes and dislikes. In short, these didn’t hurt our bun, he really liked them actually. But I’d really read and research the actual ingredients if I had to do it all over.

  2. Bunnygem9

    Yes, all 4 of my bunnies love these 😊 and they’re much healthier than other treats as they don’t have added sugars etc

  3. TransFatty

    Check the label, and see what you think of the ingredients. I don’t recommend any treat with nuts/seeds in it, bunnies aren’t birds, and ditto with any added sugars, they’re unnecessary and unhealthy. If the main ingredients are just things like hay and herbs, it’s usually fine.

  4. ninoruk86

    In very small amounts I break up a couple and put in their hat for enrichment and to encourage them to eat hay 🙂

  5. I give my bunnies one for a treat every morning. The treats themselves are pretty small, and they *love* them!

  6. NectarineQueen13

    Yup. Just a few at a time. My bun prefers natural treaty’s like produce but everything in moderation! 🙂

  7. Kazaklyzm

    Ingredients – ground corn (not awesome, but fine in super small amounts), alfalfa (good for young, growing, or bunnies that need to put on muscle and weight. Not harmful to other bunnies as a treat) and fenugreek seed (i generally avoid seeds, they are usually fattening.)

    A quick search on fenugreek being safe for rabbits (specifically the seeds), turned up some interesting results. Generally, yes, in very small amounts or as ‘part of a commercial treat’, fenugreek seeds are considered ok for rabbits.

    I would try a small starter amount and see how each bunny likes them. See how it effects their appetites, energy levels and poop/urine specifically. If it seems to sit with alll of them well, i would feel comfortable to use these as an occasional treat. I’m not in love with the ingredients myself, so i wouldn’t buy these, but i wouldn’t feel bad giving them to my bunnies if someone gifted them to us.

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