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I was outside picking grass for dinner, when Porridge wanted to come outside as well. So, I let him, because why not. The first thing he did? …Ate a dead bug he found on the ground.

I was outside picking grass for dinner, when Porridge wanted to come outside as well. So, I let him, because why not. The first thing he did? …Ate a dead bug he found on the ground.

by deltadelta199


  1. ShotMammoth8266

    God damn it, Porridge. You are supposed to be a vegan.

  2. RabbitEnthusiast

    Typical pongry, I would expect this from him tbh

  3. uberjach

    Even bunnies know veganism isn’t good 💪

  4. damiana8

    Not appropriate behavior from Mayo. Undignified.

  5. Andrea_frm_DubT

    Heh, my bunnies used to kill and eat prying mantises and crickets

  6. TwoWelshBunnies

    So much for rabbits being soley vegetarian……….. hahaha!

  7. Ello-its-me

    Well he’s against the laws of nature now he’ll always amaze me

  8. genshalene

    My bun accidentally killed a cockroach once and then took a few bites of the poor thing before I managed to clean it up

  9. Jedi-Librarian1

    The first time our indoors kitten managed to dart outside, he immediately found and licked a cane toad. Less than 10 seconds from me opening the door to go out. After getting taken to the vets to get his mouth scrubbed out he was fine, but still, my nerves didn’t need all that drama.

    Some pets just seem to have an instinct for the worst possible thing they could stick in their mouths.

  10. Princeoplecs

    Oh Porry youse so good getting that bug out of your hoomans way, such a lovely smile too.

  11. Azumi_Kitsune

    Once my bunny escaped because the engineer that was here had left the door open. He came back in IMMEDIATELY. I’ve never seen him run so fast 😭

  12. criminator98

    Lawl reminds me when I first got my cat. He was living in my garage (he was feral at the time) and one day i invited him up into my apartment. On his way up he stops and eats a dead spider off the staircase 🥴

  13. Constant_Ant_2343

    I once found a tiny slug in Coco’s fur (outdoor bun), as I removed it I accidentally dropped it in front of her and she snapped it up and ate it 🤢

  14. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Ponge is Smort.

    He is trying to make sure that it Cubby succeeds in overthrowing him. Then he has the strength to never move because of his Chonky strength.

  15. RogueViator




    Müther I did not eat the bug,

    I was doing CPR,

    Like how Doctor Bigwig taught me,

    Why is that bizarre?


    There was a tiny accident,

    When the bug went down my throat.

    I did not notice it at first,

    Until I felt my tummy bloat.


    The image does still haunt me,

    I called Sheriff Cub and confessed.

    She will wait for it to come out,

    Before making an arrest.


    She will charge it with trespassing,

    For violating the law of kings.

    For disturbing the peace of the Mayo,

    And other serious things!


    So I plead completely innocent,

    There was no intent to slaughter!

    So when voting day arrives shortly,

    Please still vote for Ponger!


    This has been a BNN News Special Programming by the Pongyroo for Bunnville Mayo Campaign.

  16. SketchySquiggle

    Probably made a nice *crunch* sound

  17. ChesterDoesStuff

    He’s a different kind of special

  18. tonythatiger_26

    Porridge is wise beyond our years. He’s just trying to protect everybody else from that threatening insect. We’ll never understand his boundless reasoning and the risks and sacrifices he makes.


    ‘Cuz trains

  19. ProjectFrostfall

    Hey, it’s better than him eating some horse poo. [glares at the dog I got saddled with]

  20. Eastern-Dig4765

    I know they chew wires and eat wood, but gross. Porridge, you look too innocent to eat things like this. 😄

  21. zr35fr11

    it was important mayo business. wouldnt expect a human pleb to understand

  22. upvotedownvote2023

    So adorable, and greatest bunny name 🙂

  23. Pantsmoose

    I had a rabbit who would kill ants that came into my apartment. One day, I saw him sniffing the ground, seemed to nom something. I went over to see if it was something he SHOULD eat, but I just saw an ant cut in half.

    My wife started calling him a stone cold killer after that.

  24. Dry_Dimension_4707

    Rabbits are primarily herbivores, but also opportunistic carnivores. We never see them like this because we offer only an herbivore diet and wild rabbits are associated with the same. But wild rabbits can and will eat carrion. Our domestic bunnies may also choose to indulge in meat, given the opportunity. That vegan lifestyle isn’t for everyone, fam-os. Porridge was just feeling his inner beast today. He felt like eating a bug and later he’s going to go to the gym. He’s a Chad. Don’t fight it.

  25. HotSoulCrusher

    I love that as soon as I saw this pic I knew it was Porridge. He is a celebrity 🤩

  26. Rabbitlorde

    The mayor needs the extra protein 🤣

  27. LongjumpingCake1924

    Hey, that one brain cell needs all the fuel it can get! ❤️

  28. Notsnowbound

    “Well you didn’t want it, apparently”

  29. tyhuguez

    The one time that i had decided to let my rat outside as we had moved to a complex with a shared yard i was holding him and i said “fuck it i’ll let him on the ground for a second” ,,, he immediately managed to walk straight into a drain hole on the ground. luckily i caught him but i took him straight back into his cage

  30. nevermindthetime

    And he’d do it again!

    Seriously though, how is Porridge so perfect and cute? Love him!

  31. wherearetheavocados6

    I CANT HIS LITTLE FACE 😂😭 silly guy

  32. Actual_Author9541

    Once my rabbit accidentally bit my finger and literally tasted my blood 😳

  33. mstrss9

    Just like people who only eat roadkill. Mayo P wouldn’t harm another being just to eat it. A role model for the rest of us.

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