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by u/space_cartoony in Bunnies

by space_cartoony


  1. RosiePosie3469

    It is ALWAYS ALL about the schnoz! And let us not forget their ears! Are they the shorter sticky-uppy kind? Or are they looong, silky-soft, and floppy?? My Freihopper the Bun Bun loooves to poke his cute little snoot out through the bars of his cage every time I go over to feed him and make sure he has fresh water, because he loves to boop me with his snoot! Freihopper totally boop-snoots in the cutest ways; in a way that only bunnies can! BTW, your schnozzing for the camera, mister bun bun is absolutely sooo adorably CUTE!!! I hearts hims!

  2. FifiLovesAirplanes

    Bunnies have the cutest noses EVER

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