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Edna might need a bigger bed. (IKEA doll bed for size reference)

Edna might need a bigger bed. (IKEA doll bed for size reference)

by Hoppyhollow


  1. The_Easter_Egg

    And a pillow made of soft hay. 😊

  2. Virtual_Cry_1424

    When you out grow your bed.. does that mean you need a crane to get out of bed?… very chonky.. ☺️.. does she need a new poo poo palace too? Is it like growing out of clothes? Lol πŸ˜† .. she’s a adorable β˜ΊοΈπŸ’œπŸ’œ

  3. ErraticHarmony

    I love giant bunnies, they’re like big bundles of love and cuteness

  4. Tripperthebeagle

    She is such a big baby. My Tilly has trouble with being to big for things

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