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Are these okay for my bunny? I wanted colored bedding really bad but obviously wont risk her safety for cute bedding.

Are these okay for my bunny? I wanted colored bedding really bad but obviously wont risk her safety for cute bedding.

by brrrraaaapp


  1. adamisapple

    I’d look at how it’s colored (natural source or artificial). I just use the not colored (brown)

  2. Majestic_Yoghurt2409

    Care Fresh claims the dyes have been tested for animal safety, but it’s impossible to know if that includes rabbits. If your bunny doesn’t eat the bedding, it’s probably not something you need to worry about. I only use this stuff in the litter box, so it doesn’t matter to me if it looks pretty.

  3. Funhammy

    It’s probably fine but if you’re really worried just go with the brown.

  4. paraffinburns

    if it claims to be pet-safe and it’s a reputable brand, it may depend on the temperament of your bunny. if they really like to chew on/ingest their bedding, you might want to steer clear to be safe- but if they show zero interest in eating it, you’re most likely fine.

    but always stick with unscented, since rabbits are very sensitive to smell, and using scented litter can have negative health repercussions.

  5. Nearby_Zombie

    I personally use their colored ones for holidays- my bb doesnt eat his bedding but if yours does maybe not.

    Theyre mega overpriced at my pet store tho 😭

  6. Worried_Day661

    I used the colored ones for years with my guniea pig and I would sometimes catch him eating it, nothing ever happened to him. For my bun I use the brown just cuz it’s cheaper and it’s only used for the litter pan.

  7. ratbird9

    I’d stick to the basic brown, but it’s just because my bun cleans her paws in the litter box and I wouldn’t want her ingesting this too much. Idk, I’m paranoid.

  8. Elphy_Bear

    I think they are absolutely fine in terms of safety. I have used it in the past and not had an issue. However, I like to keep an eye on the color of my buns’ pee and the colored stuff maked that a bit harder. Of course my girl has taken to peeing on the floor so now I have no trouble at all seeing the color. 😆

  9. drumstickballoonhead

    I normally stick with the white or brown, but I have used the coloured ones once with no issues?

  10. timmspinn

    Something to consider functionally… With the white or brown bedding, it’s easy to see where they peed. Then you cover that spot. With the colored bedding, you probably can’t see it, or easily. So you’ll probably end up using more bedding or missing spots.

    Also, it’s not as simple as “if you’re bunny doesn’t eat the bedding, it’s fine.” They will pee on it and soak it. Then stand there in the saturated wet spot while eating hay, etc. The dye will get on their paws, they hop out, clean their paws, now they just ingested some chemical dye. And they will do this every day. Just use the plain stuff.

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