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Today we said goodbye to our prize New Zealand boy Hercules💔🌈 just 2 weeks before the one year anniversary of loosing my first rabbit

Today we said goodbye to our prize New Zealand boy Hercules💔🌈 just 2 weeks before the one year anniversary of loosing my first rabbit

by Erindabear2003


  1. allneedlove

    It’s so hard losing a Bun. I lost my best boy three weeks ago and it was unbearable.

    I went to the animal shelter and found two little baby boy Buns that needed a home.

    I still miss my boy but these babies brought back my smile.

    Hope you find your new smile.

  2. [deleted]

    So sorry for your loss I’ve lost 2 rabbits during my life both felt too soon i hope you find peace & comfort in knowing you gave him a good life with a lot of love

  3. ColCancerman

    I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 ❤️

  4. Acceptable-Chance534

    So sorry! It’s hard that their lives are so m6ch shorter than ours. 🤗

  5. datinggoskrrrrrrrrra

    Sorry for your loss he looks so cute.

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