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He has plenty of food, water and toys to chew on yet perfers to chew the new rug. Any suggestions on getting him to stop would be much appreciated.

He has plenty of food, water and toys to chew on yet perfers to chew the new rug. Any suggestions on getting him to stop would be much appreciated.

by jules039


  1. bibiyade12

    I think your bun is similar to mine. They like to pulllll. So what I did is stuck a chew toy she can pull and destroy.
    What can help is a stronger chew toy such as a big fresh widow branch.
    If that doesn’t work, RIP your carpet 🤷🏼‍♀️haha

  2. nikkioliver

    The only thing I would suggest is taking the rug away and replacing it with something else like a very tightly woven rug or sisal rug or seagrass mat.

    Lenin the bunny has a video covering the topic too

  3. fishbootlives

    I got a braided style rug for my bun loaf. He still scratches at it but hasn’t made any real damage. Or a fleece blanket could cover the rug I think fleece is one of the only fabrics they can ingest safely.

  4. crazybunnylady2369

    I put a ceramic tile over spots my bunny likes to chew, I also buy Seagrass or hay mats to put over the tile or rug. My whole house is carpeted so I understand your frustration. Bunnies like to redecorate.

  5. twelvegreenapples

    You can’t train bunnies, you can only train humans.

  6. jojokitti123

    No suggestions, my bun did the same thing

  7. Careful-Walk2117

    My bunny tried to start this. I put a dig box/forging mat on the spot for a couple of days. She hasn’t done it in a couple of weeks. I’d try that and not scattering treats and herbs on the rug. She goes to the kitchen to eat salad and everything else goes on a mat, toy, cardboard box etc. or scatter feed in a different area

  8. sharktopuss-

    I’ve been buying a cardboard cat scratcher for my bun to chew on. It’s been a life saver.

  9. juicyc0ochie6969

    my guinea pigs loved when i cut up like amazon boxes, they’ll chew through them but kept them busy more than any actual toys i bought them. have you tried picking fresh grass? mine would get sick of veggies and want grass so they wouldn’t eat. also hay too

  10. DrRumpRoast

    I’ve found that carpet that is thinner / closer to the ground helps. Like the indoor/ outdoor variety with tighter weaves.

    Also, plenty of chew toys like hay mats, hay balls with bells in them and anything they can use to dig and gnaw.

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