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“This looks like good place to wedge myself in”

“This looks like good place to wedge myself in”

"This looks like good place to wedge myself in"
by u/i_am_bunno in buncomfortable

by i_am_bunno


  1. Heavy_Sentence4181

    Ha ha my bun does the same, she loves getting squashed behind things.

  2. Coco_Bunana

    😂 I love it when they back out of tight spaces

  3. OceanGoingSasquatch

    When our bun was a baby he’d do the same thing between this wooden house I made him and the glass sliding door, it’s so funny!

  4. thisisthewell

    Bunnies are such dummies. I love them.

  5. Ok_Quail_6266

    The harder to get out, the better the spot

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