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Missing my poor little Luna bun who died this morning from gi statis (she was being treated but just didn’t make it) she was a sweat but grumpy little midget

Missing my poor little Luna bun who died this morning from gi statis (she was being treated but just didn’t make it) she was a sweat but grumpy little midget

by Individual-Debate852


  1. dogood4all

    sorry for your loss. This bun rules the roost- u can just tell

  2. I hope her grumpiness remains a special memory to make you smile.

  3. So sorry. Sending some extra binkies your way.

  4. Dr_Bitchcraft8

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I know when the day comes that it’ll be heartbreaking, so I have so much compassion for you. Rest in peace little Luna.

  5. Redschallenge

    Rest well little groucher. All of our buns will get an extra pet kiss and treat for her!

  6. diminutive_of_rabbit

    Oh I’m so sorry! GI issues can be so unpredictable, no matter how well you treat them. Such fragile little creatures. Take some time if you can for you, to cry, or distract, or rest, whatever. It’s devastating to lose our beloved bunnies.

  7. DrRumpRoast

    So much love to you on this hard day.

    We do the best we can. She was loved and you are good.

  8. ColCancerman

    I’m so sorry for your loss 😔 ❤️

  9. Cleytinmiojo

    I’m sorry for your loss. Always cherish the good moments you had together. You made her live a happy life and that will never be forgotten. Binky free ❤️🐰🌈

  10. Cleytinmiojo

    I’m sorry for your loss. Always cherish the good moments you had together. You made her live a happy life and that will never be forgotten. Binky free ❤️🐰🌈

  11. pieopal

    So sorry for your loss. She was a cute buns.

  12. bb250517

    I dont want to intrude, but was she a child bun? She looks so small

  13. WhimsyRose

    I’m so sorry for your loss. She was so beautiful and looks like she was the softest little thing. Please refrain from using that word, it’s a slur for little people and very harmful. Kinda took me by surprise seeing it in a pet subreddit. It’d be like using the r-word if she were disabled.

  14. Chayalinkwai

    That happened to mine in December – I firmly believe they are all enjoying groomies, binkies, and zoomies on the other side of the 🌈 bridge, eating all the spicy hay they desire

  15. Patricks_MissingNose

    Thats like losing a child, a family member. i hope you’re alright. Rest in peace lil one.

  16. Any_Acanthocephala7

    I am so sorry for your loss. I hope my angel Sabbath is keeping her company where the grass is green and the bananas are overflowing. 🖤

  17. HatchingChick

    My condolences. She knew a life full of love with you. I also had a bun named Luna who passed from stasis. May our Lunas binky in bunny heaven together 🙏❤️

  18. frogtantrums

    my 3 buns and i are sending nose bumps, so sorry for your loss💔

  19. RedRider1138

    Thank you for having visited us, Luna 🥺❤️‍🩹🙏🌈✨

  20. curious-heather

    My rabbits send licks to you! I’m so deeply sorry for you and your bun, it’s so hard to lose someone so special. Luna, may you Run In Paradise, over the Rainbow Bridge 🌈

  21. meggybun

    Oh my goodness… she has beautiful eyes… :”) grumpy bunnies are always the best. Wishing you well!! <3

  22. 1professionalidiot

    I’m so sorry for your loss, I know your pain two of my bunnys died the same way

  23. PleaseBeginReplyWith

    This is a common misconception. Bunnies cannot sweat or pant and rely on is to keep them cool.

  24. isanrio

    im so sorry for your loss, she was a cute

  25. jules039

    I am so sorry for your loss. Just know my bun Bob met Luna on the other side of the rainbow bridge. He showed her where the open fields s are to run and binky and where the endless piles of her favorite treats can be found. He will take very good care of her for you. ❤️

  26. Crashpie

    My condolences. 😔 You sound like a loving bunny parent and your bun sounds lovely. I hope you are doing okay and are getting the support you need. May your bun rest in paradise ❤️

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