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Flopping cutely won’t make me drop the charges you savage! Took him less than a second to ruin the cable.

Flopping cutely won’t make me drop the charges you savage! Took him less than a second to ruin the cable.

by _BlueRuin


  1. morteamoureuse

    Alas, he doesn’t look very ashamed. Maybe you can take his carrots away?

  2. Tally_Ho_Lets_Go

    After losing a set of headphones a charging cable and nearly the power supply to my computer CritterCords have saved the day (my job, the bun and my wallet).

  3. under_ground1

    It’s almost worse when it’s the tiny bits so it’s like you can’t automatically see that it’s ruined.

  4. nanny2359

    “Rabbits ruin cords by chewing on them”


    Rabbits ruin cords by gently booping them with their teeth. It’s over before it begins. We have no chance.

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