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a very stupid bunny indeed

a very stupid bunny indeed

by [deleted]


  1. onedaythiswillend

    Silly bun. Not stupid.

    Have you tried the glove brush type?

  2. SolitudeOCD

    I’m ordering that box and having it shipped OVERNIGHT! I’m living with the most adorable, stupid bunny who doesn’t realize that getting brushed is magnificent! He prefers to shed and shed and shed…all over everything…every second of every day. Stupid bunny 🤣🥰🐰

  3. Kazaklyzm

    Joke’s on you. They love being in cardboard boxes! =P

  4. Heh… When I first got my long-haired bun, she had mats in her hair.. I had to cut them..lucky it was towards summer and she liked that much more.., lol

  5. Hahaha perfect. In my house the equivalent is a laundry basket lightly sprinkled with bribery oats.

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