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Smudge made a daring escape from the back of the apartment. As soon as I caught him in the kitchen he started running.

Smudge made a daring escape from the back of the apartment. As soon as I caught him in the kitchen he started running.

Smudge made a daring escape from the back of the apartment. As soon as I caught him in the kitchen he started running.
by u/fallenangelfoodcake in bunnyshaming

by fallenangelfoodcake


  1. apricotvoid

    Time to book it, the narc arrived ❤️

  2. GiantessAutumn

    “You’ll never catch me woman!” -Smudge

  3. Actual_Lengthiness_3

    My rabbits will not enter the kitchen because its too slippy. It’s a safe spot when you’re being chased for food.

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