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Ever heard a bunny snore?

Ever heard a bunny snore?

Ever heard a bunny snore?
by u/lilibex88 in lagoloaf

by lilibex88


  1. You captured the snore perfectly lol, my boy Tarquin does this too but I have terrible luck at getting it on camera

  2. firepenguin-

    Somebunny get this man a mouthgaurd and a cpap machine! So cute though, my last rabbit did that too

  3. Lala_rouge85

    Yes, my bunny snores all the time when she naps/sleeps 😆👍.

  4. When my husband first moved in he thought we had a bird nest or something outside my bedroom window. When it first happened when we were both in the room together I laughed so hard because it was my older bunny just taking their afternoon siesta! So silly 🙂 she sounds like a little dove or pidgeon I guess!!

  5. booksareadrug

    My childhood bun would snore all the time. It was cute, just like this!

  6. queerywizard

    🥺🥺 I have never heard a cuter snore!!

  7. April_Spring_1982

    So cute!! It sounds just like when my cat snores!

    Bunny/cat snoring is so cute, but human snoring drives me mental!

  8. AlongCameAThrowAway

    Lol my girl snores. I thought it was my dog for months until she wasn’t in the room…I’ve yet to film it. It’s like the moment I open the camera it stops every. time.

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