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This evil warlord plotting to eat my sisters books again that are hidden behind the blanket

This evil warlord plotting to eat my sisters books again that are hidden behind the blanket

by onionrings_428


  1. Kazaklyzm

    He looks like he’s laughing into his little paws. Evilly. No doubt….

  2. MjrGrangerDanger

    It is funny to watch them pull books off the shelves! Chew on them, not as much…

    My bun would always clear out my dad’s books, just dad’s, to make a spot to nap. Or just remind dad that he couldn’t make him into hasenpfeffer without the judgement of the entire family. Plus there’d be no one to cook it.

  3. onedaythiswillend

    Don’t blame him. Your sister’s bookcase looks like a delicious garden.

  4. Extreme-Boat-2767

    He can’t held that he’s a starving academic

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