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It would be way too much to ask for him to drink out of the water bowl that I leave out for him! Instead, he needs MY water

It would be way too much to ask for him to drink out of the water bowl that I leave out for him! Instead, he needs MY water

by Impossible_Round5252


  1. blaringair

    Well, of course! That’s obviously the superior water since you aren’t drinking out of the bowl either. Have to lead by example, OP.

  2. pbj10101

    Are you sure that’s a bunny and not a cat?

  3. KaninenNinis

    Your water is probably fresher than the water in that water bowl. And you hoomans gotta remember to give us clean bowl with fresh water a few times a day.

    *thumps with my right hind paw*

    //bunny pwincess

  4. Aggressive-Finish-86

    Literally my dog drinks from my coffee cup in the mornings 🤣🤣

  5. mastetz01

    In all honesty, I don’t know why, but other people’s ice water always looks better than mine.

    Just saying….

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