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🎶Steve’s still standin’🎶 🎶Yea yea yea🎶

🎶Steve’s still standin’🎶 🎶Yea yea yea🎶

🎶Steve’s still standin’🎶 🎶Yea yea yea🎶
by u/PandaMedHatt in BunniesStandingUp

by PandaMedHatt


  1. FrostyPrinciple8772

    Mmmm rabbits 🤔🤪😜😝😁😎💜💚😍😘👍🤣❤️😘

  2. lazybutterflywings

    Steve’s adorable! Also thank you so much for the earwig of a song that I will be humming for the foreseeable future. 🎶Yea yea yea🎶

  3. Acting like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid.

  4. blakmeemboi

    “That’ll hold him alright. *chuckle*”

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