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He just loves the fireplace (more than his 3 other comfy beds, apparently).

He just loves the fireplace (more than his 3 other comfy beds, apparently).

by generalshermant


  1. Top_Key5504

    Keeping his bun bum warm 🥰🥰🥰

  2. maryhoppins19

    This bun looks like his name would be “Doc” or “Reginald” 😅🥰

  3. a__reddit_user

    My rabbit literally stick his ass on the hit AF wood heater.

  4. magicblufairy

    What a distinguished gentleman. I feel like he is Bri’ish. Cheerio! *nooo not for eating silly bunny*

  5. luxstefani

    he’s such an old grumpy man😭💞💞

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