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Because there’s nothing more comfortable then lying in your own toilet.

Because there’s nothing more comfortable then lying in your own toilet.

by Rude_Dig9306


  1. bunnies_and_makeup

    I’ve been drunk and fallen asleep on toilets; my own toilet is still the best

  2. Bunbon77

    Many of my buns do this!! Yours looks extra comfortable! Or when they clean themselves in their litter box?? What are you doing bunny, you’ll just get dirty again by moving only a little!! Such silly little buns! Mine have flopped in the litter box! My guess is their scent makes them feel safe?

  3. Worried-Tomorrow-204

    The only time my bun did this was after her spay, I assume she was just in too much pain to keep going back and forth to the toilet.

  4. Wynd_Runner

    It seems my lop lives in his! LOL Buns can be so weird and funny.

  5. testicleOmelette

    My bun always does this lolll. If he makes a habit out of this, put some paper pellets as they find them the comfiest (tested and tried by me)

  6. cazmozz

    When it comes to bunnies, this is 100% true! All buns love lying in their litter trays πŸ˜†β€οΈπŸ°

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