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Meanwhile at the crine scene…. I was just trying to change the channels

Meanwhile at the crine scene…. I was just trying to change the channels

by peachesthebunny


  1. genshalene

    The tv was taking time away from you petting him. He had to destroy the remote to fix that

  2. Peri_Colosa1

    Friends had a bunny in a small apartment and occasionally let him in my room despite requests not to. They like to chew. Things were damaged. Ugh.

  3. ByThePaleMoonlight

    I forgot my bun used to chew the buttons off the remotes. Smh.

  4. FourTwentyABC

    One of my buns bit off the front of a remote button, now we lie down remotes face down. He hasn’t tried to flip them thankfully!

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