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Today is Puff’s 11th birthday. Here he currently is hop noodlin’ it up. The other picture is the day I got him.

Today is Puff’s 11th birthday. Here he currently is hop noodlin’ it up. The other picture is the day I got him.

by peaceloveouterspace


  1. Drink_the_Emperor

    Happy birthday, tiny bunny! You look great for your age!

  2. GrumpyGrann

    I love pictures of senior buns. I hope my girls have the same experience and grow old together.

  3. Is that really a picture of an 11 year old rabbit or is this an April fool’s prank?

    If it really is Puff’s 11th birthday, then happy birthday Puff! 🙂

    What breed is Puff? He’s really cute.

    Is he Pollish?

  4. damiana8


    u/genshaleneslion u/kalyst_corbulo u/cybersprinkles

  5. jmills23

    Happy birthday Puff!

    Such an elegant old man.

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