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Let me just twist my neck a full 180 so that I can nibble on this wood.

Let me just twist my neck a full 180 so that I can nibble on this wood.

by Melly-The-Elephant


  1. greenrosechafer

    Whaaaat… But why πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Great photo for sure!

  2. Conejo_pestilente

    It’s yoga hoomin, furless like you won’t get it.

  3. deFleury

    The ears in opposite directions are cracking me up.

  4. sashadelgreyx

    gosh i was trying to figure this picture out for so long. i thought it was a cat with its head in a bowl πŸ˜… cute set up and bun though πŸ™‚

  5. April_Spring_1982

    Tastes better that way – everybun

  6. Dry_Dimension_4707

    That bunny might need an exorcism.

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