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Some gems of standing chompsky

Some gems of standing chompsky

by Empty-Visual-2498


  1. lazybutterflywings

    Please tell me the sour patch Kids are for chompsky so I can start saying that I eat too much rabbit food? Too late, the thought has rooted like a tooth into my brain. In my world SPKs are chompsky’s favorite guilty pleasure and it’s glorious.

    Seriously, this is cutest bunny I’ve ever seen.

  2. legaladult

    What harness is that? We were looking for a new one for our rabbit.

  3. EStewart57

    Ears are kinda small. Can you hear Australia with those

  4. Safe-Geologist-2830

    Aw, so cute! Our dog is named Chompsky!

  5. Hailey-Lady

    This made me irrationally happy. Thank you.

  6. erintainment

    He has the perfect cartoon rabbit ears 🥰

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