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You’d think he was starved daily..

You’d think he was starved daily..

You’d think he was starved daily..
by u/Twinklebellee in bunnyshaming

by Twinklebellee


  1. amorebravekitten

    That wire grid will hurt his poor feet

  2. bloutchbleue

    You should see mine whenever i get close to the drawer where his food is. He looks like he hasn’t eat for three months and throws himself in the bowl…

  3. CanadianJohny

    I mean if it was socially acceptable I too would shove my whole head into a plate of spagetti

  4. AnxtyWolf

    My white and gray rabbit stained her paws with pee yesterday because she tried to dig in a pee spot, then did this exact thing wth is she on

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