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A memory from 8 years ago just came up on my fb.. Our bunny resting on our firepit.

A memory from 8 years ago just came up on my fb.. Our bunny resting on our firepit.

by TiffanyKinge


  1. Gaskychan

    For a short moment I thought of the well from the movie Ring 😅

  2. VeronicaRhone

    Oops, looks like all the marshmallows for the s’mores got burnt!

  3. a__reddit_user

    For a moment i thought it was a well and i was like: NONONONONO HE CIULD HAVE FALLEN. And that’s when i saw the title

  4. luxstefani

    he’s so chunky and has such big ears

  5. MenacingToast

    Really adorable picture and cute bun!

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