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off to the vet, hope everyone can breathe!

off to the vet, hope everyone can breathe!

by CloverMyLove


  1. fleffeh

    Love the bedding! Do they pee on it? I always have to use pee pads in crates!

  2. hummingbirrrrd

    It’s a good thing you are taking your bun to the vet, they have legs sticking out of their chest!!!

  3. caro_kat

    So cute! I didn’t even see the second bunny at first, just assumed that was a random ball of fluff! I hope everyone is okay.
    I hate to be the know-it-all party pooper (but is it even a bunny post without one of those in the comments lol?)but in future please make sure to move them if they are lying like this. If the bottom one decides he’s not feeling the cuddles anymore, a usually harmless nip might cause damage in a very… sensitive area. It’s unlikely, but still possible. Similar to why ‘reverse mounting’ is discouraged when bonding two bunnies.

  4. Ok_Quail_6266

    Never seen a bunny with six legs before

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