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my pal bugs . he is almost 20lbs .

my pal bugs . he is almost 20lbs .

by ComprehensiveAlps652


  1. ComprehensiveAlps652

    He eats like he’s never had food before.a month ago he got sick because he wasn’t pooping. Vet gave me 500 $ worth of medication to save his furry ass. Was that or put him down, told the vet I’d rather put him down…lmao

  2. Tinyzooseven

    That’s not bugs bunny, that’s big chungus

  3. ComprehensiveAlps652

    Not sure what your talking about creepy.

  4. Unknown_brit

    Your rabbit post came immediately after another post where a bear caught one for dinner…

  5. ComprehensiveAlps652

    Well my boy bugs give him a good

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