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Some of my favourites of standing Rat

Some of my favourites of standing Rat

by SolidConcentrate2802


  1. throwaway3094544

    As a rat lover and a bunny lover, I can confirm this is the best bun! So fluffy!

  2. bunswithguns

    Omg so fluffy imma die!!! Give all my love to Rat pls

  3. jenks89xxxx

    Ahaha! The anorak one made my evening! Absolutely love it!

  4. freyalorelei

    That’s not a bunny. That’s a muppet in a raincoat.

  5. FormerEvidence

    omg. the raincoat, the little peets, the mouf, aaaa so cute i love him/her

  6. Gravitron23

    Weird rat, looks just like an adorable bunny lol.

  7. SolidConcentrate2802

    u/RevolutionaryWrap295 here’s Ratley / Rat ! 😂😭

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