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Carol Baskin getting in trouble by grandma for eating drywall 😬🐰

Carol Baskin getting in trouble by grandma for eating drywall 😬🐰

Carol Baskin getting in trouble by grandma for eating drywall 😬🐰
by u/Every_Opportunity824 in BunniesStandingUp

by Every_Opportunity824


  1. baddrabbit1337

    You’ll never financially recover from that one. πŸ˜„

  2. Shmooperdoodle

    β€œCarol Baskin”?! You know, stuff like this reaffirms my faith in humanity.

    Me: β€œUgh. People are awful.”

    *(sees that someone has named a rabbit β€œCarol Baskin”)*

    Me: β€œSome people. Some people are A M A Z I N G.”

  3. Zoomorph23

    Oh. I can totally relate! I had a bun that *loved* drywall! She’d munch on the corners of walls. Dry soap bar rubbed on every few months fixed that problem.

    Since then I moved to the UK to a place that was mostly build in the C14th & has been flooded quite a few times. Walls are lime render over brick. I couldn’t work out the attraction for my current lagomorph companion, Dexter, and munching on parts of this wall. Much harder than drywall. The penny dropped – it’s to do with the flooding. It has left the walls with a high salt content! Yum….salt! Soap did the trick again.

  4. Rat_Queen91

    Hahaha ya little jerk
    Good thing your being cute or you’d be going in the pot hahaha I died and Carol just stands there all sassy! Bunnies are wonderful and also so is grandma!

  5. pm_me_your_flute

    There’s so much cuteness here to unpack! Is the babies name Carol Ann Baskin, Caroline or does GMA have an accent? So cute!!

  6. BestCornflakesNA

    Lmao put her in the pot. That bun looks exactly the same as mine

  7. minishaff

    Man, I did everything I could think of to stop my one rabbit from chewing on the walls. No amount of β€œshooing”, spraying, redirecting, feeding, playing, or available chew toys stopped Wilford Bunnly from going over and nibbling.

    Little fluffy turd, he was πŸ˜‚

  8. GMOiscool

    That bi- I mean- Bunny Carol Baskin.

    Lololol I love this.

  9. minishaff

    I feel every rabbit needs a first, middle, last name. They need to know when they’ve done something naughty πŸ˜†

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