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“Well ain’t in the consequences of my own actions?”

“Well ain’t in the consequences of my own actions?”

by ricemeansnice


  1. ricemeansnice

    Despite me having my Monstera Deliciosa up high the rabbits managed to munch on it while I was at work. I came home to discover a few missing leaves. Because I know that it can be toxic I brought them into my work to be monitored and called ASPCA poison control. Now they were supposed to come to work with me that evening regardless for the RHDV2 vaccine but their stay got extended because of this.


    For anyone concerned Monstera is actually not too toxic to rabbits at all, in extreme cases can cause ulcerations to the throat which causes respiratory issues. Monitoring for a few hours to make sure there is not sign usually can allow you to avoid the vet. Unfortunately I needed to sleep so I opted for hospitalization with my exotic vet. If you kiddo does eat some a good thing to have on hand is diluted fruit or dairy to help with any burn they may be experiencing. Any teeth grinding should also warrant a trip to the vet.


    They’re doing wonderfully and are due back at the vet in 3 weeks for their RHDV2 booster.

  2. ricemeansnice

    I am also so annoyed that I messed up the title.

  3. ButDidYouCry

    My rabbit ate an orchid plant once. 🙁

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