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I cleaned his tote it stayed clean for about 6 minutes. Lol

I cleaned his tote it stayed clean for about 6 minutes. Lol

by jules039


  1. Princess_Limpet

    Not to alarm you but the shape of the poop looks like he might be dehydrated or not eating enough…. They should be nice and round for the most part. He might need a variety of hays or some more water.

    My bunny poops as soon as he’s cleaned as well… gotta claim that space!

  2. AriLovesMusic

    I would add litter in there. We use wood pellets (horse bedding) and it works well. Also, it would be good to have a pile of hay within his reach while he is pooping.

    I agree with other comments that his poop is too small and should be rounder. It looks very similar to a rabbit on the verge of GI stasis. He is most likely not eating enough hay. If he is also dehydrated, it creates a bad feedback loop of not eating hay because he is dehydrated and then not drinking water because he hasn’t ate much hay.

  3. NatalieAnneee

    If that’s his litterbox I’d definitely add some paper bedding like care fresh and lots more hay. But I’ve got that same hidey house for my buns!

  4. Wireproofplays

    Rabbits are incapable of not making a mess

  5. Snowdrop-126

    I had a rabbit that liked to roam around the house and sit with my watching TV. We made a hide for him under the stairs. We put a normal 4ft cage bottom in there with a house, also plenty of straw and hay for him to kick about and chew on. What was good the heating pipes went under the flooring in there so in the winter he was as snug as bug in a rug. It was very sad when he died in my arms at the very young age of 4. He went in for routine dental surgery, came home still groggy but I trusted my vet who said he had drunk some water and ate a few dandy lions and would be fine. Later on when I checked on him he was breathing funny but before I could get him to an emergency vet he made a gentle cry and died. 😢 I was devastated I will never forgive the vet for not taking better care of him. That was 15 years ago, it still hurts so much. Give your baby a huge hug from me. 🥰

  6. ProjectManagerNoHugs

    Wow that’s gotta be a record! When I would clean my bunnies’ enclosure they used to immediately poop like they were just waiting!

  7. Cowpriest

    “that’s my secret, cap. I’m always pooping…”

  8. TechnoVicking

    Why did you post screenshots instead of posting the actual photos?

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