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Someone is angry he got time out in bunny jail (his hutch) because he peed on the couch!

Someone is angry he got time out in bunny jail (his hutch) because he peed on the couch!

by AnxiousBirdLady


  1. Remarkable-Plastic-8

    Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time

  2. Efe_Beth

    aaa i’m not the only one who calls it “bunny jail”! i mostly use bunny jail (my/their bedroom) for when they get caught eating my carpets… 😂

  3. gofish112

    The most used phrase when I talk to my bun is “naughty bunnies stay in their cage” because she loves to pee on me and the couch. She does not pee on anyone else, or on the carpet.

  4. XXLBoomBoXX

    I see those fat elbows characteristic of a Rex.

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