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A story of overnight rabbit shenanigans (x-post r/Rabbits)

A story of overnight rabbit shenanigans (x-post r/Rabbits)

by sneaky_dragon


  1. genshalene

    My bun does zoomies on the bed at 7am to wake me up to feed her

  2. DeltaWingCrumpleZone

    That last line is all the proof I need lol… good bunnies

  3. illy-chan

    The end of my bun’s overnight free-roam came when she took a running leap onto my face at 3am.

    She looked positively *offended* by my confusion when I woke up too.

  4. meeeeegaan

    Is it cute tho? I was in dead sleep and my bunny decides to binky across my face leaving me a little blush scratch on my forehead. I’m going crazy here!

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