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Cilantro would get her into a creepy van

Cilantro would get her into a creepy van

Cilantro would get her into a creepy van
by u/mcisneros821 in BunniesStandingUp

by mcisneros821


  1. dogood4all

    Also gets them into carriers for vet visits

  2. poetcatmom

    She looks so happy! I despise cilantro so I bestow upon her my life’s share of it!

  3. Dry_Dimension_4707

    Aye, my bunnies would follow your bunny into the van for the cilantro. It’s a most favored herb.

  4. Impossible-Ad8815

    i want my bun to like cilantro as much as i do but she won’t even give it a chance

  5. Cilantro would get ME into a creepy van too!!

  6. pastelkawaiibunny

    Awww, mine loves it too but I hate it! So I buy it just for her 😂

  7. Spirited-Complex-722

    Same with mine! She’s absolutely addicted to the stuff…

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