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Lies down over a chair leg, there’s a soft bed right there…

Lies down over a chair leg, there’s a soft bed right there…

by PeNolken


  1. nutmeggerking

    Unrelated question, what kind of cushions are those? I have the same chairs 🙂

  2. Any_Caterpillar553

    Björn is the same he loves to hop over to where Nala lays (under the table) and he sleeps on the big ass leg next to her and there’s a whole couch for them lol

  3. I cannot believe she has a little bunny bed with crocheted blanket and toys, that is so freaking cute. The little tree and bunny tent are v cute too

  4. tdoottdoot

    their tummies are the warmest part of their body. beds can make them too hot!

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