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Roast my homophobic son, please

Roast my homophobic son, please

by electro-sloth


  1. Allthingsplants00

    I had those same pocahontus sheets when I was a kid!

  2. PurpleCabbageMonkey

    Don’t be to hard on him, he probably can’t read.

  3. Big-Manner1147

    He took pride in munching on your poster.

  4. splanchnick78

    I got mine a Pride cardboard house last year and they trashed it!!!

  5. Somebun isn’t too happy about pride month I see

  6. Sir_Ruje

    He liked the poster so much he had to eat a piece of it!

  7. FairyRabbit

    No! He wanted to help! He put his thoughts into the poster too!!! He’s 100% taking pride!

    (Or, you know, noticed that the sign has a CAT and a DOG instead of a RABBIT???)

  8. Ok_Echidna_2283

    I don’t think he’s homophonic. He just wanted to put his touch on it. ☺️

  9. Tripperthebeagle

    That is him just saying he likes it. And supports you.

  10. JDolittle

    He’s just helping make the sign perfect by adding his own artwork to it.

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