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Small wound/scar on newly adopted rabbit…

Just found this on his 4th day here, I can see stitches but none of his files from the RSPCA mention surgery other than microchipping (which seems to be done on the back of his neck) and desexing (incision on the scrotum).

It feels very much like a scab when touched (hard and rough), and I want to make sure it’s not a skin problem. He is very relaxed, healthy and active otherwise. I suspected maybe operations on wounds aren’t documented, but that didn’t sound right… For now, we sanitised the wound and let him be.

by Cats_Are_Liquid_07

1 Comment

  1. sneaky_dragon

    It looks pretty minor – I would just monitor it at home and make sure it heals in the next week or two.

    I would suggest a checkup with a rabbit-experienced vet regardless so you can get a clean bill of health and start a client relationship in case of emergency.

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