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He’s rather proud of his hard work.

He’s rather proud of his hard work.

by GreenMamba3313


  1. Important_Phrase

    Looks like he put a lot of effort into his bunny business.

  2. sadmac356

    Did he eat the carpet? That had to take some effort on his part

  3. Giraffe_Queen99

    The amount of carpet I have found smh. Balls of carpet from my rabbits, they have even eaten some. I have tried a few things but nothing works.

  4. beadiestplum

    We have the same carpet and my son likes to do this as well. I have no clue how to fix his destruction. 😭

  5. Mkat1896

    What fine carpet noodles! He worked so hard ❤️

  6. vicsanbarajas

    Um, this is a staged foto. Bun did no such thing. Also, I’m interested in those screenshots of texts mags😂

  7. Dry_Dimension_4707

    OMG 😂 The dedication to his craft is amazing.

  8. handsomehotchocolate

    Bloody hell mine does this as well…

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