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My 4 3/4 year old holland lop thumper

My 4 3/4 year old holland lop thumper

by Guilty_Astronomer_45


  1. jastan10

    Is it normal for buns to not have bedding in their cage?

  2. meinkampfortzone

    Thumper? More like Flopper! Very cute bun pics. Quick word of warning though, if those are salt licks on the habitat wires, I’d get rid of them. They’re not necessarily great for the bunnies. Hay and water should be their go-to at all times, and any crunchy hay cubes/treats and herbs (dill, cilantro, parsley, basil to name a few) should be their treats.

  3. GorgeousMetal

    Picture 1 —-> Dreams of eating carrots, on an island of lettuce, surrounded by a sea of hay.

    Pictures 2 – 4 —-> Woke up and is looking for that island

  4. oshaberigaijin

    I wanna boop his snoot with my nose

  5. SupermarketOld1567

    hey idk how often your bun is in that cage but if this is his home, i’d strongly reccommend upgrading the size, as that cage isn’t even really big enough for hamsters. ive got a holland lop, and ive got pics of his house that i just redid on my post history if you want an idea. (if this is a temp set up at all though, please disregard, i don’t mean to judge! your little bun is adorable)

  6. Guilty_Astronomer_45

    He also tends to make a mess

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