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“i wonder who licked those spots right there”

“i wonder who licked those spots right there”

by sweaterhoe


  1. Asuarii

    It had to be you OP! That precious little baby looks much too innocent! Theres no way.. 🥺

  2. emvanpelt

    glad to know I’m not the only one with a rabbit who does this

  3. Inle-Ra

    Licking, along with chin rubs, chewing, and spraying are done as a way to do a territorial scent marker. That’s the bun’s couch now. You aren’t allowed there any more. Bun also owns all clothes, pillows, and everything under the cushions as well.

  4. [deleted]

    “Why would you lick the couch, human?”

  5. Important_Phrase

    It will be a mystery forever I guess.

  6. bunnies_and_makeup

    Human dropped ice cream on couch, licked it up then frames bun

  7. sweetfinch

    They have no regrets and would do it again😂

  8. MysteriousBiscotti88

    At least it was just licking the couch, the bun said that it had ahem checks notes… other liquid options at its disposal.

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