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Augie getting ready to square up after I told her to get off the couch

Augie getting ready to square up after I told her to get off the couch

by romance_me_up


  1. Dry_Dimension_4707

    “You want some smoke??? You can get some smoke. These hocks are rated E for everyone.” – Augie, probably

  2. Big-Manner1147

    Augie is a gorgeous bun and she now owns you couch!

  3. beckymp

    It looks like you put a grayscale brightening filter on her and only her.

  4. [deleted]

    “You wanna catch these paws, human? We can flop around and find out.”

  5. BunniesKickPaws

    Augie has claimed the couch, to the floor hooman!

  6. Yourdadcallsmeobama

    Your rabbit is so beautiful. She has such a nice coat and colours

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