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I woke up to this lunatic knocking things off my kitchen counter. She has a 3 ft vertical jump and all my barriers are useless.

I woke up to this lunatic knocking things off my kitchen counter. She has a 3 ft vertical jump and all my barriers are useless.

by SpecificallyBunnies


  1. SpecificallyBunnies

    She keeps breaking out so she can hump her sister. 10 days until her spay appointment.

  2. BadAkitas

    She’s like “HORMONES!” Poor thing. Dealing w menopause rn, so I can relate! LOL

  3. Left_turn_anxiety

    My girl can also jump my 3 ft gates! She is only contained because she wants to be and I have no control.

  4. MegamuffinChip

    I also like to put blankets around the cage bars, since they sometimes pause because they can’t see what’s on the other side of the jump! Or you could try putting the blankets on top of the x-pen so she doesn’t think she can jump

  5. Noirella_

    I’m her lawyer and she is 100% bun-icent. Release my client at once!

  6. JDolittle

    This is exactly why I have a 4 ft tall pen for my boy. By 9 weeks old he was already jumping up onto the sofa, unassisted. He has spent hours very obviously examining every bit of his pen trying to find the weak spot that would let him jump over it before realizing that it is just entirely too tall.

    Since you don’t have a tall enough pen to contain your bun, here are a few alternatives: Midwest does make a metal top for their xpens that sits right on top. You can clip it into place with the clips that come with it, or with carabiners or zip ties. Or, if that lid won’t work for your pen, you can use a tarp as a topper and zip tie it to the top of the pen. Midwest also makes such a tarp, or any tarp that’s the right size will do.

    The midwest xpen topper isn’t available at most stores so a tarp would be much faster to get at any local hardware store.

  7. ashtentheplatypus

    I have the exact same pen with the exact same problem! I’ve seen my bun put her little feet on the bars and jump one bar at a time.

  8. Vertigobee

    I had to buy a 4 foot tall pen. It’s advertised on Amazon as for “large dogs and rabbits” lol.

  9. greenwitchielenia

    A fitted sheet works really well for easy access and keeping most babies inside. Of the five rabbits I’ve had, only one has had the sheer determination of will to climb the bars of his ex-pen like a spider monkey and chew through the sheet until he could rip it off

  10. Juleniumn

    One of my boys can jump over 3 ft onto the bed. He wakes me up if I’m napping and late to feed them. Once I came home past dinner time and found him looking for me on the bed lol

  11. crazy_cat_broad

    This is how our mostly contained rabbit turned into a free roam by day rabbit; she was impossible to keep penned!

  12. Dry_Dimension_4707

    I have one male that can jump amazing heights and one that doesn’t seem to know he can jump at all. I tease him all the time that his hops must be broken. He is sweet as pie, but never one for adventure. If I put him in a 1ft pen he probably wouldn’t go anywhere. Bunnies have such different personalities and I adore them all!

  13. Smoresbun

    Have you tried putting a fitted bed sheet or blanket over the top? That always works to keep my buns inside. Also discourages them from even trying.

  14. BunniesKickPaws

    When we first got my Dazy, she would wait until everyone was asleep to zoom. I would wake up to her rebounding off my face. This happened for over a month.

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