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Missing my Roger 🥲

Missing my Roger 🥲

by elboetel


  1. questionhare

    Gorgeous baby ❤️ sorry for your loss😔

  2. Accurate_Quote_7109

    What a darling!! I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔❤️‍🩹💜

  3. AppearancePrudent265

    he loves you a bit more every time you long for him. your souls will be bonded forever

  4. bruh_momenteh

    Beautiful Roger and his handsome ears! He misses you too, and he’s waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow bridge ❤️

  5. IcaSheb

    Awww Roger is cute 💕 sorry for your loss.

  6. Ok_Subject7939

    He was such a beautiful baby! *hugs*

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