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Looks like they spilled a box of Cocoa Puffs…

Looks like they spilled a box of Cocoa Puffs…

by the_flying_spaget


  1. Bundalorian

    maybe they don’t like covered litter box? My rabbits seems like to sometimes turn and look around or at us when they’re doing their business. 😂 Their litter boxes are basically big shallow pans with hay rack on one side.

  2. SnoodlyFuzzle

    Put something down for them. That slick floor fucks up their hips. Even cardboard is better.

  3. I recommend a vacuum cleaner that doesn’t use bags but let’s you dump out all the stuff straight from the compartment. it’s my lifesaver lmao

  4. brokenbunny77

    Maybe this is just ime but my buns always hate slick floors, if I’m moving them into a hardwood or tile environment I always put down bath mats or towels for them to hop around on. I’m also scared of them slipping and breaking their tiny arms (seen that happen to someone’s bun—the tiniest cast u will ever see). I would try putting down a comfy surface for them to meander about and see if that stifles the retaliation

  5. Fit_Basil673

    Wow! How many days of poo IS this? And what is in the white bowl in purple/blue tray, may I ask? Poop central! 💩

  6. Maximum-Mixture6158

    This is why we cant have nice things

  7. Maximum-Mixture6158

    When your food looks better rearranged on the floor.

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